Friday, December 08, 2006

Finals week!

Well...lots has been going on. And since I am a college student and our number accomplishment seems to always somehow procrastinate I thought why not update my blog instead of studying for my last final...right? This is more fun anyways. I just took my hardest final in Human Social Context, definitly my least favorite class I have ever taken and I am so glad it is over with. Everyone leaves the dorms today but the basketball teams. We are stuck here for awhile, gotta love it right? The whole point of dorm life is the girls in the dorm and when they are all gone it is kinda sucky...well...yeah it is.

So anyways, I am putting some pictures on here of all the christmas parties and what not that has been going on. My closest friends here, Sarah, Michelle, Hillary, and Grace, we all went out to dinner together for our christmas present to each other, since we are all so broke! Anyways, they are amazing and they mean the world to me. I couldn't survive here without them. IF you all are ever up here, make sure to meet them. They are great!

The other pictures are from my wing christmas party. I took my girls on my wing out to Pizza Hut and we had a white elephant gift exchange. I was lucky enough to get a toy plane for my gift, it is pretty slick. Anyways, it was a fun time. I have a great wing of girls, we are all loud and crazy and love laughing, so I know Pizza Hut loved us when we were done, if you know what I mean :)
Anyways, I need to study for my Themes in Biblical History test foster dad teaches it so don't you think He should give me a break, I mean I am his kid and all :) Just kidding...
Love you all!


Hillary said...

i would agree...we are some pretty cool chicks, but i think that we have moved up on the coolness ladder with our room..yep definately moved up at least 2 notches!!

Unknown said...

Yay, an update. YOU'RE DONE!! Hope to see you over the holidays!

the fredin's said...

well i would like to see this room that hillary speaks of. since you have sent me no pictures yet! :)

the fredin's said...

so i decided that you need to post again!!! and i have an excuse for not posting...that would be my lack of pictures!!!!!!!!

Hillary said...

you should probably update since it is what all the cool kids are doing these days...

the fredin's said...

i second what hillary said! :)