Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Water What?

Kellie bugged me to update so once again...I am avoiding the millions of things I have to do.

Chapel on Sunday was quite good for me. I got to worship with my peers and listen to teaching from one of my other classmates. His words really hit me in the face...lets see...like Jesus saying, "Knock, knock...you there? Ok fine since you don't seem to want to listen to me or open up the door I guess i will just come through and and throw a baseball in your face so you will pay attention" Now I am not saying Jesus is violent. But I wonder how many times he just wants to shakes us so we will come to some sense and listen. So the main point...

Matthew 14:22-32

So basically Jesus tells Peter to walk on some water right? I mean come on no big deal, the worst thing that would happen is he would drown. I think way too often I read this story as of course I would do it, I mean HELLO! It is Jesus, the son of the creator of the universe. Yeah I would trust him. But then I think of Peter, a lonely fisherman, someone who wasn't a rabbi in studying somewhere trying to be like the rabbi above him. He wasn't the best of the best right? So he fishes. I can't even imagine that, all day long, that smell...yuck! Ok, so there is a terrible storm. Check point two when I am like "Well if I jump in and I can't walk, I'll just swim right?" Could Peter swim? How wavy was it exactly? Are we talking a down pour or justa drizzle?
Basically what I am trying to convey is that we underestimate how bad the storm was and how hard it was for Peter to jump out. But....

He does it.
He walks.
Then he sinks.

Why?? Why the sinking? Because he lost his faith right? I mean that has to be the answer. But here is my main question...What did he exactly lose his faith in? I think our first response and the best sunday school answer would be Jesus. But (this is when Jesus just busted down my door because I didn't open it like a member of SWAT and made me listen) I don't think he lost his faith in Jesus. It says in verse 29 that Peter begins to sink and says "Save me, Lord!" Peter cries our to Jesus. He cries out to Jesus...to who? Jesus. For me I don't think I would cry out to someone I don't have faith in. So why did Peter do that if we think he lost his faith in Jesus?
Ready for it (and I didn't come up with this on my own...chapel...I'm telling you come to Sterling)
Peter lost faith in himself.


For all the times people told him he wasn't good enough...he remembered that and began to sink. I don't think Peter thought he could do it.

Anyways, that was long...but meant a lot to me. I so many times feel like Peter. I know Jesus thinks I can, but I don't think I can...sounds corny but true. So where is my faith in myself? Not where it should be.

I need to shower...Bye...

(oh and melanie..I painted a lot today...I love paint. I just got to be free again, isn't it weird how paint does that?)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm sucked in...

Well since everyone else in the family has one...I feel a bit disconnected so I thought I would join the life-sucking-cyle-of-bloggers-united. So basically this is something to do besides my homework right now. Is that bad? I'm already in the cycle of procrastination.
So since I know all of you care I will tell you about my life.
My life = Busyness
I'm in Sterling doing about 5.3 million things but it is all good. I'm an RA this year so I have a hall of girls that keep things interesting for me. I'm still playing basketball, but often question why, but it is going well. I spent 3 1/2 hours in the gym yesterday so that was good. At least I'm in shape right?? Oh yeah and I found out today that I am going to be the art teacher for the Charter School here in Sterling...taking after my parents, I know, don't remind me.
As far as Sterling in general God is doing amazing things. We have a ton of prayer going on on Campus, every person is getting prayed for everyday! This is year is a huge year of change for Sterling. And it is really cool to be a part of it.
Well..I need to go make root beer floats for the entire campus now...Here are some pictures of things that have been going on here in Sterling.

Top 5 things here in Sterling:
1. Watching my girls wear little kid sleepers they bought at Target
2. High Ropes Courses...climbing swinging ladders way too high in the sky
3. Being loud in the hallway and having a freshmen tell you (as the RA) to be quiet
4. Watching freshmen make fools of themselves
5. Dancing with 12 other RAs (8 being guys) to Kirk Franklin in front of the entire student body.

My favorite girls! Ready to move the freshmen in!

Gracie Erin and Me at Highland Games!

Me and Paul...just chillaxin...

My fellow RA's in our outfits for the talent show...in which we did dance to Kirk Franklin

Love you all...