Monday, January 28, 2008


Survey time:

What should Erin do this summer?

A. Find a boring job in Wichita and save up money for school

B. Go overseas

C. Work at a camp

D. Become an independent artist who magically has everything given to her and starts her own company

E. Urban Ministry

I honestly would like your opinions. I am struggling with what to do this summer. All I know is I have like 10 weddings, a neice/nephew coming, and I have to workout for basketball. Those are my ties. Beyond that I am free.

P.S. For all you basketball fans. We are first in conference. Just 8 more games and then here we come Sioux City...


Unknown said...

I notice your ties don't include your mother anymore...when did I sink so low on the list?? (sniff, sniff, cry, cry)
I think you could be an Urban Artist Servant Minister in Wichita, KS....struggling thru ONE last summer of college funds! Whew.....where did those years go?? You might also need "babysitting" time this summer!

Seriously...I'll be praying with you.

Ten many do I know???

Erika said...

You should have fun. Travel and explore. You will have to get a really boring job soon enough. It is not like people usually make a bunch of money over summer jobs anyway.

kim said...

First of all CONGRATS on a great bball season so far.

Secondly: 'D' is the absolute correct answer. But you're not guaranteed that can happen by this summer,so....

...perhaps 'B' is the correct choice b/c that's where your heart is. Of course if you go overseas you won't be able to spend time with the Fredin-let. Or me. So....

...perhaps 'C' is the correct choice. However, if you are reeeeally going to go to 47 weddings, then that becomes the thing that makes your decision. You have to do something this summer that makes that possible, so...

...that leaves us with A and E, which maybe could be the same thing. Or not. In any case, if you choose A then I can get coffee with you sometime. So there you go. A's your answer.

Really, feel free to ask for advice anytime.

Melanie-Pearl said...

km is right---live off the college fat one more summer and knock around Wichita.

you can always afford to travel but you can't always afford to volunteer.

the one thing i wish we had more time for is volunteering. since you really can live on the cheap and you have no dependants, pick something that will empower others and at the same time it will empower you.

how exciting for you! i can't imagine having such a blank slate! whatever you decide, i know you'll do the right thing---God has big plans for you this summer!

Melisa said...

Yep I am totally thinking you should spend it all doing nothing really! That would be great! Live it up for another don't have many more free left! Maybe one week-end you could sacrifice to decorate my house and such! awesome!

Jeremy & Erin said...

Hey Erin - my husband found your blog through Kim Bontrager's blog. My name is Erin Thiessen too so I thought it would be fun to say hey! On Kims's blogroll you're listed as Erin Thiessen... so I'm assuming Danielle is your middle name. Fun!
If you want to read the blog of another Erin Thiessen check out Blessings - Erin

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could find a job in North Carolina! Then we could be roomies!!! cg

Anonymous said...

Realistically - A
Idealistically - B AND D
Spiritualistically (not a real word) - C and E

the fredin's said...

Ok well now that I am back let me give my opinion...I am being totally selfish and saying that you should stay in Wichita...but let me try to not be selfish here for a second...I think you would like working at Kanakkuk, and maybe you could do the inner city camp, so that you would be getting urban ministries and the camp all in one! That is the best idea I have. And as long as the camp is at the end of the summer and not the beginning due to your niece/nephew being born at that time. :) You know...since it is all about me :). I think that is all I have...